Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Bunny Consultation

   So I had what I called our "Easter Bunny Consultation" today at walmart.  I am so excited, because this is the first time we have actually done a "real" Easter Basket, where I did more than just grabbed a random toy a threw it in a basket.  I'm really starting to feel happy and excited for Easter :)
 Here is what I find interesting about the Easter Holidays, 
            (those who do not what to hear about my feelings of Jesus....... feel free to stop reading)
When Christmas comes around we teach our children for a month the "true meaning of Christmas" and drill into their heads that Christmas isn't just a meaningless holiday, where Santa comes to bring you gifts.  Everybody wants to be near their family, and tons of presents surround the tree.  
   What seems off to me, is that the birth of Jesus was amazing and all, but the fact that He was Resurrected, and the real meaning of Easter, seems to be put aside. Why do we make such a huge deal about his birth, (something that happens to 99.8% of us)  but kind of gloss over Easter as a holiday in general.
 If we give gifts "anonymously" as a way to symbolize his gift for us, shouldn't we give more gifts on Easter to remember the greatest gift that He gave??
 I have no idea where I heard it, but I always remember the saying
                            "If there was no Easter, we would have no Christmas"
So enough with my religious rant, it's just something that's been on my mind. 

ANYWAYS, I have lost 3 lbs :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about easter- I was thinking the same thing as I was falling asleep last night.

    Way to go on the weight loss :)
