Saturday, September 3, 2011

I know I know....

So I have been getting some snarky remarks about how I never update my blog, and to that I have to say.  I know, I know... :)   But the honest truth is that I have had such an uneventful few months it's almost embarrassing.  But, I do have a few highlights that I can go into detail about, so everybody can have the privilege to  know what it's like to be........ Rebecca Lee House.
    YAYY  I turned 25 this year :) The day before my birthday and date of expiration, I went the DMV  (in Texas we call them DPS (department of public safety)) and waited to renew my drivers license, I was unable to do so because apparently I have a ticket from about 6 years ago that falls under the Surcharge Program where I have the privilege to pay $260 a year for 3 consecutive years to pay my debt to society for not having insurance.
         ((((( Please note:   at this time I barely had an apartment and didn't have power for a few weeks, and would pick up extra shifts at work just so I could eat,  due to NO money))))

   So regardless, my 4.5 hour wait was wasted.  ANNOYING,  but not the end of the world. 

       NEXT, I have also lost my military I.D. so Luke and I got a babysitter (Thank you Paul) to try and get a new one I brought in my newly expired license, my passport and my social security card, proving who I was. BUT,  my license was expired, and I got the passport when I was 16 and therefore doesn't have my married name on it, and my SS card doesn't have a picture, so they cannot take anything as a form of identification.
       I understand that my license is expired, but that doesn't mean that my picture and name are no longer the same.  It's not like everything magically changes... 

          SO I was sent to go get a state id.  After waiting a quick hour I am given a piece of paper that is, for now, my state id. that is now more official than my drivers license and here is what bothers me. Seriously, it's a piece of paper....How is a piece of paper that can be forged by anybody with Paint, and a printer, more official than a license that has been expired for 9 days...ugh... so after getting my id paper, we go back to the Military id place, and they closed....5 minutes 3:30... 

Luke and I were just laughing as we walked out the door,  it's just like any process that involves the government, one simple task becomes impossible.  WHY does one of the busiest offices on post close at 3:30????  is there a reason besides pissing people off???  I don't think so.

Well after that useless errand, we went and got ice cream to celebrate :)  YAY ARMY!!!

I hope that you all enjoyed my pointless rant,  I think my next blog will go into detail about how different the boys are and my worries for their future :)  Love you all 

Take Care Ya'll        ;)