Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So I am kinda confused right now.  Alton, who I believed to be allergic to everything under the sun, turns out to be ONLY allergic to cockroaches...I have no idea how this happened.  I have been treating him for allergies since he was 5 months old.  I have also believed that his strongest asthma trigger was his seasonal, outdoor and indoor allergies, but that isn't the case...

 I'm not sure how to take this new developement.

    About 2 years ago it rained, while he was out of one of his allergy medications, and he had his vaccinations.  Later that night he was hospitalized and almost died.  At the time I asked the Dr's if it could have been his vaccinations and was told NO.  But now that he isn't allergic to anything, I have to conclude that he is allergic to one of his vaccinations, although I don't know which one.  So now we have to take precautions when getting him vaccinated.

 My other problem, is that if allergies aren't the cause of his asthma triggering, WHAT IS!!!!!????????

 Now I am so paranoid because I have no idea what triggers him.  I was already pretty paranoid before (having a child in a life or death situation will do that to you)  but NOW I'm REALLY freaked out. 
Alton is a VERY active child so I don't think that it could  be activity or he would NEVER be able to breathe, but the allergist said that asthma doesn't always have a specific trigger or cause. 

Any asthma mom's (or patients themselves) have any suggestions?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Bunny Consultation

   So I had what I called our "Easter Bunny Consultation" today at walmart.  I am so excited, because this is the first time we have actually done a "real" Easter Basket, where I did more than just grabbed a random toy a threw it in a basket.  I'm really starting to feel happy and excited for Easter :)
 Here is what I find interesting about the Easter Holidays, 
            (those who do not what to hear about my feelings of Jesus....... feel free to stop reading)
When Christmas comes around we teach our children for a month the "true meaning of Christmas" and drill into their heads that Christmas isn't just a meaningless holiday, where Santa comes to bring you gifts.  Everybody wants to be near their family, and tons of presents surround the tree.  
   What seems off to me, is that the birth of Jesus was amazing and all, but the fact that He was Resurrected, and the real meaning of Easter, seems to be put aside. Why do we make such a huge deal about his birth, (something that happens to 99.8% of us)  but kind of gloss over Easter as a holiday in general.
 If we give gifts "anonymously" as a way to symbolize his gift for us, shouldn't we give more gifts on Easter to remember the greatest gift that He gave??
 I have no idea where I heard it, but I always remember the saying
                            "If there was no Easter, we would have no Christmas"
So enough with my religious rant, it's just something that's been on my mind. 

ANYWAYS, I have lost 3 lbs :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Just what do you do when you are talking to somebody and they pull the most random crap out of their brain, and just keep going with it....Ella ella eh eh eh Under my umBRELLA...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sneaky, Time, VERY SNEAKY

Time has certainly sneaked up on me, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. 
It occurred to me yesterday that my son who "just turned 3"  (as I told somebody last week)  will be turning 4 next month.  That's right people FOUR!!!!!  
Who allowed this "time" thing to take my little, first born child and make him progressively get older????
  Not this girl!!! 
And as I start thinking what this year will have planned for our family I can't accept that, should I choose to, later this year he will be able to go to Pre-K. 
 When did they start to allow BABIES into Pre-K???  When they get to be NOT babies...that's when.

Crazy days...CRAZY...days

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nothing like a sad-sack before picture to kick off a diet.  Now I get to look at these everyday so I can inspire myself not to eat pizza on a nightly basis. But today I followed my Herbalife diet and felt pretty dang good today.  I had tons of energy and didn't feel hungry either :)  Ready for tomorrow!!!!

Today is the Day...and Everyday after that...

Today is the first day of my diet...again.
 I have told Luke that he is not to facilitate my junk food tendencies, and soon I will be taking my first embarassing "Before" picture,  I plan on following my Herbal Life diet to a "T".  That means that I will actually have to do this thing called "COOKING"????,  the scary thing that involves my --I believe it is called a stove---

Deep breath.  I can do this :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm thinking, OK???

SOOOO  I'm creating a blog.  It might be awesome, it might be boring, we shall see.  So I guess I should say how I see this blog going.  I plan on putting embarrassing pictures of me, hoping that it will inspire to to lost some weight.  Honestly, I'm happy with how I look, but when we get pregnant again, I want to be at a lighter weight so when I gain 35,000lbs again I won't have to walk sideways to get into my front door.  

I also will be posting more about what goes on in out house than I do on FB just because this is more private.  So, if you feel like I don't tell you enough about our life, than you MIGHT learn more here.  

Please to enjoy :)