Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The last straw

So, as some of you Blog followers may be aware of, last week Alton was diagnosed with the Chicken pox, and we assumed Benjamin had it too because he had the same spots.

Since then we have had a quarantined house, I had to call everybody he played with, AND stopped giving them Benadryl and hydro-cortisone cream (not the best for chicken pox)

Well after 4 days of these shenanigans, I take Alton to the allergist, and am told that Alton, and Benjamin have Chigger bites...NOT chicken pox...

Now I don't know how you all would have reacted,  but I feel pretty salty about it. 

What's more, is I have been talking to our Dr's about Benjamin's congestion issues since he was 5 months old, I just tell the allergist and ask him be Ben would benefit from allergy testing, and he tells me that he may have a mild form of cystic fibrosis, and should be tested...WHY is it that the doctors that I have been seeing for years about this problem, never thought past Zyrtec??????  

So THEN, I decide that Ben may have an ear infection, so I called to see if they had an appt available, they said that I just had to walk in because most of the dr's were on vacation.  I told them I would be walking in right then.  I show up and it's effing their lunch break and we had to wait an hour before they even got back from lunch....WHY they couldn't tell me this BEFORE I drove down there, I don't know... but, that was the last straw.  New dr's office for the boys.

Pretty frustrating day.

But the good news is that Ben will be tested for cystic fibrosis, and he got a referral for the laryngologist because he has some congestion in his ears that I suspect has been there for quite some time.


Today  is also my WONDERFUL SONS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I defy you to find me a cuter baby animal in this world!!!!!  


So during my roundabout morning, I stumbled upon Hedgehogs...and WOW, my life has utterly changed.  I LOVE those little baby faces, and their little hands and feet.  I even love how freaking cute they are when they grow up and waddle around.  I LOVE THEM!!!  So Luke, being the amazing husband that he is has found a place for me to get one for my Birthday!!!!!  I am so excited!!